Fire Alarm Detector Spacing

When mounted on a flat ceiling, smoke detection devices have an coverage radius of 7.5m. To ensure there are no uncovered areas we have to partially overlap these 7.5m circles. This can be done using any tesselating shape such as triangle, square or hexagon. To keep things simple squares are commonly used with a width of 10.6m for smoke detectors and 7.5m for heat detectors.

Anthony Bradley
FIRE3D Founder

Fire Alarm Zone Plans

Fire3d fire alarm design software offers our zone plan design feature on all plans. Upload a floorplan in PDF format, quickly mark out zone boundaries then download the new zone plan PDF. Try our PDF takeoff tool, it's easy to use & it's fast.

Anthony Bradley
FIRE3D Founder

Fire3d Fire Alarm Design Beta Tesing

We're looking for Beta testers. After many months of development refining Fire3d we're looking for people and organisations to help us add the final touches. If you're a UK fire & security professional and would like to get early access we're looking for you!

Anthony Bradley
FIRE3D Founder